
Fighting over rosagolla at marriage


Fighting over rosagolla at marriage

  •  বিয়েবাড়িতে-রসগোল্লা-নিয়ে-মারামারি-

Local police officer Anil Sharma said a wedding ceremony was going on at the residence of local Brijvan Kushwahar. Some say Rasgolla is over. That's where the controversy started.

The number of people who do not like to eat rasgolla is a handful. This time, some people got involved in a fight due to the greed of this beloved sweet. Hulsthul Kanda Badhal between the bride and groom. Six people were seriously injured in the incident and are undergoing treatment.

The media reported this time that this incident happened recently in Samshabad, Uttar Pradesh, India.

Local police officer Anil Sharma said a wedding ceremony was going on at the residence of local Brijvan Kushwahar. Some say Rasgolla is over. That's where the controversy started.

He said, there was a commotion about whether it would be possible to give enough rasgolla to the feet of the invited guests. At one point it turned into a fight. Six people were seriously injured. They have been admitted to the hospital for now.

The bride's quarrel with the bride's party about the debt, the news of the disturbance is received from the wedding house. But, such a dispute about Rasgolla has surprised everyone. There was a huge fight over sweets. The guests were too excited to give less rasgolla.

From the initial argument, they attacked each other within a short time. The situation got so out of hand that eventually the wedding ceremony organizers were forced to call the police.

Eyewitnesses said that while eating at the wedding party, a guest asked, "Why is there so little rosagolla on the leaves?" There was a quarrel between the two parties. Small talk sometimes escalates into a fight

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